Tag Archives: training

Fitness - Balance Training

Get in Shape for Ski Season: Tips for Off-Season Training

Alright, skiers and snowboarders, listen up. If you want to be ready to rip up the mountain when the snow starts falling again, you need to be putting in some off-season training. And no, I’m not talking about hitting the gym and lifting weights (although that’s definitely a good idea too). I’m talking about specific exercises and drills that are designed to improve your balance, coordination, and overall ski fitness.

One of the best ways to train for skiing in the off-season is by doing balance exercises. These can include things like standing on one leg, or using a balance board or Bosu ball. By improving your balance, you’ll be able to stay more stable on your skis or snowboard, which will help you make smoother, more controlled turns.

Another important aspect of off-season training is coordination. You can practice this by doing drills like cone drills, where you weave in and out of a series of cones, or ladder drills, where you go through a series of short, quick steps. These exercises will help you improve your reaction time and overall body control, which will come in handy on the mountain.

Finally, don’t forget about cardio and strength training. Skiing and snowboarding are physically demanding sports, so it’s important to build up your overall fitness levels. This can include things like running, cycling, or swimming, as well as strength training exercises like squats and lunges.

So don’t just sit around all summer waiting for the snow to come. Get out there and start training! Your body (and your ski buddies) will thank you.